Friday, August 29, 2014

End of Summer Grilled Beef Skewers and Pineapple Salsa

 Here is a recipe that would be great for this Labor Day weekend.
It is made with Five-Spice powder. If you aren't familiar with
Five-Spice, it is used often in Chinese cuisine and consists of,
you guessed it, five spices: Star Anise, Cloves, Chinese Cinnamon,
Black pepper, and Fennel seeds. It can be purchased in the
spice aisle along with all the other spices.

I wanted to marinate beef in a Five-Spice marinade,
then skewer and grill the beef for dinner.  I was at Costco 
looking for flank steak or skirt steak that I could thinly slice 
for the skewers. I didn't have luck finding one of those two 
and had to settle on Flap Steak. 

Flap Steak is a thin cut of meat that comes from a bottom sirloin
butt cut of beef. It differs from Flank Steak because it comes from a more 
rear portion of the beef.  Likewise, Skirt Steak is even more forward then
then Flank Steak.  Flap Steak is sometimes confused with Hanger Steak
but it is not.  Both Hanger Steak and Skirt Steak are cut from the
diaphragm of the beef.  I think Flap Steak gets a bad wrap but I
have to admit it usually isn't my first choice either.
BUT as a thin piece of meat, it works beautifully
for skewers. It marinates nicely, and grills quickly.
The finished dish shows how thin the meat is.
I only cut it width-wise for the skewers.

The original five-spice marinade recipe came from 
 Better Homes and Gardens and the recipe I used as
modified can be found on BHG Delish Dish.
On this site, it is served with a yogurt sauce,
but I wanted to go even lighter and chose a pineapple salsa.
I, unfortunately, don't recall where this recipe for the pineapple 
salsa originated.  You can use these amounts listed in the recipe
below and at the end, give it a taste and make adjustments to
to your liking. The flavor improves as it sits in the refrigerator. 

This pineapple salsa is delicious and is also great as a side dish
for chicken or just served with tortilla chips (and a margarita!).
It's also great with these Five-Spice beef skewers.


Pineapple Salsa
Source: Unknown
Serves 6

1 fresh pineapple, cored and diced
3 green onions, chopped
1 jalapeno pepper, seeded and diced
2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantry
2 teaspoons fresh squeezed lime juice
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon cumin

Combine. Cover and chill. 

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  1. Pineapple salsa is perfect. I'm putting your recipe on my to-make list.
