Thursday, August 7, 2014

A Bird's Nest Napkin Fold and Dinner!

 Lucky me! 
Continued outdoor dining at my daughter's!
Previously, I enjoyed a lovely dinner on her balcony.
If you missed that post, you can check it out HERE

Tonight, dinner was originally for four but dwindled down to two.
That's okay. It happens... and it means more leftovers!

I like to include one or more wow-factors when entertaining
and often a napkin fold does just that.  I found this fun napkin 
fold in the shape of a bird's nest on You Tube HERE demonstrated
 by Denise Vivaldo. She has authored a book named 
"Top 100 step-by-step Napkin Folds." 

I decided to go with a bird theme and thought it coordinated
 well with this Morning Glories tablecloth and matching 
cloth napkins from Target.

My dinner for two began with an easy appetizer.

On a skewer, I added a cube of cantaloupe melon, a small fresh mozzarella
ball, and thinly sliced prosciutto.  I placed two each in margarita glasses,
drizzled each glass with a balsamic reduction sauce and chopped parsley.

The sweet melon goes beautifully with the Italian dry-cured ham
and the mozzarella ball has great texture and adds to the overall flavor.
They are pretty and were very nice to nosh on with a glass of wine.

For the entree, I made an Artichoke Chicken and Spinach Lasagna and served it
Basil Pesto Dressing that was really good.

Instead of a garlic bread traditionally served with lasagna, 
I tested a bread made with pizza dough stuffed with a soft herb
cheese, sprinkled with parmesan and topped with sliced zucchini 
and red onion.  You can find that recipe HERE.

Dessert was a wonderfully simple Lemon and Pistachio 
one-layer cake. Check back and I'll share the recipe with you.

I will be linking up with these following blog parties:

The Tablescaper's Seasonal Sundays
Between Naps on the Porch's Tablescape Thursdays 
Rattlebridge Farm's Foodie Fridays
 As always, thanks for visiting me!


  1. So pretty.Love the plant holder and the bird candle holder.Simple and cute table.Love sujatha..;):)

    1. Thank you! it took my going to four Targets to collect those four bird votives.That happens. Have a great day! ~Karen

  2. So cute! Love the birds nest napkins and the birds in them! Your food sounds so good and your presentation is wonderful! Your whole table looks beautiful- lucky the guest who enjoyed this!

  3. What a wonderful table! I love your bird votive holders! And what a clever way to fold the napkin! I couldn't get the link to work to see the earlier tablescape you mentioned on your daughter's balcony, so I'm going to go hunting through your blog next to see if I can find it. Your menu also sounds delightful. I especially like those appetizers!

    1. Thanks Maria! Glad you enjoyed it! Thank you for the heads up on the link not working - my bad. I went in and updated the post to include it. Enjoy your weekend! ~ Karen

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Love the napkin fold tutorial--and your menu is divine!

  6. Karen, just love this table and that napkin fold is adorable! I need to use it one day in a table setting...thanks for sharing the link to it. The food, oh my gosh...I'll be right over! YUM!

  7. The bird's nest napkin fold is completely brilliant Karen! And your menu, well, set me a place I am coming right over!
