Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Flower Lemon Rosemary Tea Cookies

Some of you might be thinking lemon and rosemary in a cookie?

Lemons and Rosemary actually make a great flavor combination. 
It is most often used together in chicken dishes but in this case
it is used together in a tea cookie.

This tea cookie is basically made from a shortbread dough
with a wonderful butter flavor along with the lemon and rosemary.
Using my spritz gun, I made flower spritzes of the dough then
baked them. 

Using a small metal spatula, I very carefully lifted the warm
tea cookies onto a cooling rack.  After letting them completely
cool, I drizzled them with some lemon and sugar icing
from a small parchment piping bag.

As you can see, they came out as cute little flower cookies.
Crisp and delicious cookies perfect for a tea party!

I would like to give credit for this recipe where credit is do,
so you can click on The Gray Boxwood for this recipe.




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