Tuesday, October 30, 2012

A Night of Champagne and Serenity

A recent night out with my sorority sisters found us
drinking wine and champagne - something we enjoy -
and, painting... Serenity.
Sounds like we went to a relaxing spa but Serenity is the
name of the painting we were to create that night,
with a lot of help thank goodness!
There are drink-wine-as-you-paint venues popping up all over
where persons can bring their own wine and paint a 
painting with the assistance of an artist.
On our night, our painting was called Serenity.
We were at Paint n Vineyard.
We began by putting on a smock.
And along with about 40 other persons in the room we began.
Beginning with blank canvases as you can see,
the night continued with our closely following directions from
our artist (while listening to Michael Jackson songs!!) for each
step, as we sipped on champagne.  With only the primary
colors on our plastic plate "palette", we mixed colors to
achieve the colors we were asked to use.
And.... Voila! Our masterpieces!
I'd like to say the alcohol hindered my painting ability, but the
painting speaks for itself.  Alcohol or no alcohol.
What a fun evening!

Thank you for stopping by!

~ Karen

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