Friday, March 2, 2012

Blood Orange Salad

I get excited when I see a produce stand on the side of the road. 
It calls out fresh... and locally grown.  In this case, picked less than a mile away!  Actually, rumour had it they had freshly picked
Blood Oranges and I sought it out.

... and $2.00/bag was a pleasant surprise!
(Blood Oranges on the bottom and Tangelos on the top.)

Just as exciting to buy them is deciding what to make with them!

Juicy and sweet!
I first considered making a batch of Blood Orange Marmalade but
thought the fruit was a tad on the small side and I'd be
peeling until the cows came home!
So, a Blood Orange Salad it will be!

My recipe below was adapted from this recipe from a sorority sister:

As you can see, the bare minimum!
This is what I came up with:

Blood Orange Salad

Blood Oranges, reserve a few for juicing
1/2 cup of freshly squeezed Blood Orange juice
1/4 cup sugar
2 dashes of cinnamon
1 dash of cloves

With a knife, peel the number of Blood Oranges you wish to serve, cutting away all the pith and leaving just the fruit.  Slice and put into a bowl.  Combine juice and sugar in a small saucepan and place on medium-high heat.  Bring to boil, reduce to simmer, and reduce by half until you get a syrupy consistency, apx. 15-20 mins.  Add cinnamon and cloves and continue reducing for another 3 minutes.  Let cool slightly and toss with sliced Blood Oranges.  Add a little at a time until you get the sweetness you like.  Combine well and let sit until slightly cooled.  Best served cold.

I spared you all the mess!  Yes, the deep bloody red juice can be messy.
You might want to freak out like you would with
pomegranate juice but fortunately this juice doesn't stain.

And, now for the final reveal:
The color is just amazing and I think that is why I am so
fascinated with Blood Oranges.

I served the Blood Orange Salad in a depression glass Columbia
serving bowl/plate.  I then served individual portions in
depression glass Candlewick glasses.  Just beautiful!

Thank you for joining me in my first post and please
visit me often as I embark on this blogging journey!

I am joining:

~ Karen

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Karen! Your blood oranges look divine! So glad you joined us at Foodie Friday and hope to see you again!
